From “Bobbing for Apples” to “Bobbing for Beer”

by / Wednesday, 25 November 2015 / Published in Random Ravings, Take a break!

We all remember the age old game of bobbing for apples, right?  Despite our adult minds now realizing how disgusting it was, our kid minds saw no problem diving head first into a bin or bucket full of water, other people’s spit, and delicious, juicy apples!  In fact, a small part of me wants to play that now!  (A very, VERY small part…)

Now that we’re all adults (in number at least), it’s time to rev up the game.  First came bobbing for apples, now let’s try bobbing for BEER!  Yep, you heard it correctly.  Bobbing…For…Beer!  Can we say score!  (I guess we just did.)

Bobbing for beer takes all of the fun we had as a child with fruits, and takes it up a notch!  A very adult notch.  The rules are extremely simple.  Fill a small pool or cooler or even a trashcan with ice water and beer, and take turns bobbing for your favorite can!  Remember, using your hands is strictly against the rules.  And while you’ll still be parading around in the saliva of your comrades, at least you’ll be doing it for a great reason!  In fact, you might want to order a few extra cases of beer from beerrightnow so you can sip while you wait your turn.  Cheers!

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