Your First Beer – The easy guide

Thursday, 14 May 2015 by
Drinking your first beer

We’ve seen those people… You know who you are. You just drink wine or vodka – your time is near. You keep seeing people guzzling beer day in and day out and heaping praises on the experience. You want to cross over to the beer side. Sure, beer being the oldest ever fermented drink makes

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Seriously… when will it end? “Man Buns” and “Dad Bod”? I find it harder and harder to keep up with these bizarre trends of what is good and bad on guys. Now, for anyone who has no idea what these trends are, let me break it down for you: Man Bun – Pretty self explanatory.

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COLLEGE STUDENTS REJOICE!!! Context Effects: Today as I was sitting in a lecture for my Psychology class we went over an interesting topic that sparked my interest right away when the professor explained the concept with beer. The concept I am referring to (for all you Psych majors out there) is Context Effects. In short, it is

Cinco de Mayo Beer Pickles

I can’t speak for everyone else but this Cinco de Mayo sure left me feeling a bit woozy as I crawled out of bed this morning. Then again, when you mix Cinco de Mayo and Taco Tuesday together – you really should understand what you’re getting yourself into. Nonetheless it was a great night with

Why Growlers Ruin Beer Drinking

Saturday, 02 May 2015 by

Cities all around are packed with trendy bars that are picking up on a new, favored trend by using growlers. For anyone who is not too familiar with growlers – what they are, are large sized, glass bottles (usually covered with the bar’s brand) that can be refilled with beer from the bar of purchase

The Beer in Ireland

Thursday, 30 April 2015 by

Last March, I had the phenomenal opportunity to travel to Ireland! Among the many things I set out to accomplish while I was over there such as tracking my family’s ancestry, another “top of the list” thing to do was try the beer! With Ireland notoriously known for their love for beer, I simply had

The Benefits of Drinking

Friday, 24 April 2015 by

Stop ignoring the positive effects of drinking! Of course without moderation drinking can be very hazardous to your health, but we all seem to ignore the positive ends of drinking and what it can do for us. For starters there is the original reason why drinking began in the first place – the relaxer. As

A Classic Drink: The Moscow Mule

Thursday, 23 April 2015 by

Truly my favorite drink in the entire world! Being as it may, I had to go out of my way to review what I find to not only be the perfect drink… but the perfect spring/summer drink as well. With a perfect combination of vodka, ginger beer and lime – if you haven not already jumped on


They say there’s some food that is completely necessary to eat with a certain glass of wine or bottle of beer. For example, if you want to snack on something prior to dinner wine may be the way to go! Usually the two run hand in hand like wine and cheese so it is hard to


After a nasty winter (for all you east coast peeps) it is almost time for summer yet again. As we jump into the summer pre-game season of spring, I think it is a great idea to start looking into some of the better rated beers that will fit perfectly into your summer plans! For example,


The question of questions… the game changer… the night starter that is the question of, “Are we drinking beer or wine tonight?” Each path so very different as they both open and close different doors that will determine how your night will go! Understanding this can be a very crucial decision many of us will

Ideas for a DIY Mini Bar

Saturday, 18 April 2015 by

Imagine:  A long day at work, a frustrating commute home… you really just want to come home and relax with a drink. Now, imagine how much better it would be to unwind as you make your drink at your very own minibar? Sounds better, no? Now, what if I told you it is really not

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